Become a member

Become a eurammon-member now and be part of the leading association of companies, institutions and individuals, who advocate an increased use of natural refrigerants. Please find an overview of our services here.

If you are a company that is active in fields associated with natural refrigerants, you can apply for a regular membership. Individuals, associations, clubs and other organizations in pursuit of the same goals and missions as eurammon, we offer the option of a special membership. Download the membership application below and send us the filled out form via e-mail or use the application form to apply easily online. We will respond in the coming days.

Please find all necessary documents for a membership application below.

Become a eurammon-member now and be part of the leading association of companies, institutions and individuals, who advocate an increased use of natural refrigerants.


Ordinary members will comprise enterprises which deal with the production of natural refrigerants, the production of machines, equipment, components and technical accessories (including operating materials) as well as the designing, installation, operation and ownership of plants, in which natural refrigerants are used.

As an ordinary member, you are able to

  • vote,
  • become a sponsor for the eurammon Symposium or the eurammon magazine,
  • place your product in our product directory,
  • place your logo,  a short description of your company and a link to your homepage on our website.


Extraordinary members can be juridical persons and individuals, associations of these persons, as well as scientific institutes, educational establishments, governmental bodies and all those who support the employment of natural refrigerants, but who do not meet the requirements for admittance as ordinary members. The prerequisite for extraordinary membership is an interest in supporting all natural refrigerants.


Reciprocating membership can be established with organizations that have similar purposes and goals as eurammon.

application form

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Salutation * {/source} />{/source} required type="radio" value="male" />{/source} required type="radio" value="male" />
Membership Categories * {/source} />{/source} />{/source} />

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